

English Learning Specialist

Dear English Learners,

Untuk memudahkan Anda belajar Bahasa Inggris di rumah kami telah menyiapkan materi-materi tingkat Dasar dan Lanjutan, juga kumpulan latihan soal Bahasa Inggris yang dibuat dalam 5 eBook yang menarik dan mudah untuk dipelajari.

Ebook English Grammar berisikan materi Grammar lengkap yang dipilih dan dijelaskan dengan menggunakan Bahasa Indonesia dengan tujuan untuk mempermudah Anda yang baru belajar Bahasa Inggris.

Ebook yang kami siapkan :

1. Basic English Grammar 1

2. Basic English Grammar 2

3. Conversation for Beginner

4. Conversation for Advance

5. Latihan - latihan Soal

Semua eBook di atas berisikan materi-materi belajar Bahasa Inggris pilihan yang mudah dipelajari sendiri dan dengan metode belajar yang mudah dan efektif.

Semua eBook di atas dapat Anda miliki untuk membantu Anda bisa berbahasa Inggris dengan baik, dan dalam waktu cepat.

Hanya Rp. 200,000,-

Harga ini untuk semua  eBook di atas, dengan  hanya Rp. 200.000,- Anda bisa memiliki eBook dalam bentuk PDF.

Dengan membeli eBook kami Anda bisa mendapatkan :

1. Free Konsultasi Bahasa Inggris langsung dengan     Mr. Ferry Wibowo (English Learning Specialist).

2. Mendapatkan layanan belajar Interaktif secara langsung melalui FB/YM/LINE/WHATS APP.

3. Free Partner untuk Practice Speaking / Conversation.

4. Free 2 hours class (gratis tatap muka dan belajar langsung dengan ahli pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris  selama 2 jam).

5. Bisa bergabung dengan EOG (English Online Group) belajar bersama teman-teman lain untuk terus meningkatkan kemampuan Bahasa Inggris Anda.

Hanya yang membeli eBook langsung dari penulisnya saja yang mendapatkan semua fasilitas yang ditawarkan.


Telp.  0857 7019 1963

WA   0812 9807 1568


An Easy Way To English

Cara Mudah Belajar Bahasa Inggris

An easy way to English



English Learning Specialist

Cara Cepat Belajar Bahasa Inggris Sendiri

Ingin tahu bagaimana cara cepat belajar sendiri dan menguasai bahasa Inggris dengan baik tanpa harus ikut bergabung pada lembaga kursus/les bahasa Inggris yang bisa memakan biaya besar, butuh waktu, dan terkadang hasilnya juga tetap tak memuaskan? Ikutilah tips-tips di bawah ini dengan seksama.

·                  Mantapkan dulu niat dan tekad anda untuk bisa mengusai bahasa Inggris. Jika sudah ada kemauan yang kuat, maka jalan selanjutnya akan lebih mudah.
·                  Pelajari dulu cara mengucapkan alphabet dalam bahasa Inggris dari A sampai Z, angka-angka, dan kata-kata dan kalimat-kalimat dasar bahasa Inggris seperti : aku, kamu, mereka, dia, disana, siapa, mengapa, dimana, apa kabarmu, baik, ucapan selamat dsb. Ini bisa anda pelajari dari buku-buku belajar bahasa Inggris manapun, tak harus yang mahal-mahal (anak-anak sekarang seharusnya sudah mempelajarinya di sekolah). Lebih bagus lagi jika anda bisa mempelajarinya di internet memanfaatkan mesin pencari google. Tujuan mempelajari kata-kata dan kalimat sederhana ini adalah untuk menumbuhkan minat sekaligus meningkatkan semangat anda dalam belajar karena merasa bisa setelah belajar hal-hal yang mudah.
·                  Bagian paling penting dari sebuah bahasa adalah kosakata (vocabulary). Anda bisa memasang target harus menghapal berapa banyak kosa kata baru bahasa Inggris dalam sehari dan menggunakannya. Anda bisa memanfaatkan buku kamus bahasa Inggris maupun internet. Hendaknya anda menghapal bagaimana cara menuliskan kata tersebut, sekaligus cara mengucapkannya yang benar. Untuk mengetahui cara pengucapan yang benar dari suatu kata anda bisa mendengarnya langsung dari internet, biasanya dari situs kamus bahasa Inggris, contohnya :thefreedictionary.com. Situs tersebut memang merupakan situs bahasa Inggris yang memberi penjelasan juga dalam bahasa Inggris. Tapi bagi anda yang pemula bisa memanfaatkannya untuk mendengarkan cara pengucapannya dengan mengklik gambar yang berbentuk terompet setelah anda memasukkan suatu kata kunci yang hendak dicari maknanya. Alternatif lainnya adalah situs kamus.net yang merupakan situs online kamus bahasa inggris - indonesia. Disana selain mendapatkan arti kata dalam bahasa Indonesia, anda juga bisa mendengar cara pengucapan kata. Akan tetapi kelemahannya situs tersebut kurang lengkap (walau terus mengalami perbaikan dari waktu ke waktu). Alternatif tambahan adalah : fitur translate atau terjemahan yang ada di situs google dimana selain berfungsi sebagai kamus (bisa per kata bisa juga per kalimat), juga bisa untuk mendengarkan cara pengucapan kata. Akan tetapi ketepatan google translate ini tak 100%, jadi cuma sebagai pembantu.
·                  Pelajarilah tata bahasa Inggris (grammar), baik ketika anda sudah menguasai cukup banyak kata-kata bahasa Inggris ataupun dilakukan secara bersamaan dengan menghapal kosakata. Anda bisa memanfaatkan buku apa saja pada awalnya. Setelah anda memiliki cukup bekal kosakata, atau sudah bisa memanfaatkan kamus dan mencari arti kata bahasa inggris dengan cepat, maka janganlah segan-segan memiliki buku tata bahasa (English Grammar) yang tebal-tebal dan bagus. Pelajari dengan teratur, rajin, dan berkesinambungan. Jangan takut jika ada sebagian tata bahasa yang membuat anda bingung. Tak masalah, yang penting hal-hal dasar mampu anda kuasai seperti menyusun kalimat yang benar dalam konteks saat ini (present tense), masa lalu (past tense), masa akan datang, yang sudah terjadi, dsb. yang bisa anda pelajari bertahap. Internet juga bisa anda manfaatkan dalam belajar tata bahasa Inggris saat ini.
·                  Banyak-banyak membaca artikel atau tulisan bahasa Inggris seperti dari internet, koran / majalah bahasa Inggris, buku-buku bahasa Inggris, dsb. Dengan bekal beberapa kosakata, dan tata bahasa dasar yang telah anda kuasai, anda diharapkan paling tidak sudah bisa mengerti tulisan bahasa Inggris. Walaupun cuma sepertiga atau sepersepuluh paragraf yang anda bisa tahu, tak masalah. Jangan takut ! Anda masih dalam tahap belajar. Dengan membaca tulisan berbahasa Inggris, anda malah akan bisa menambah kosakata anda yakni dengan menandai kata yang tak dimengerti lalu mencari tahu artinya. Anda juga akan dapat gambaran bagaimana tata bahasa Inggris atau cara menyusun kata-kata untuk menjadi sebuah kalimat yang baik dalam bahasa Inggris dengan membaca tulisan-tulisan tersebut.
·                  Untuk melatih pendengaran anda mendengar bahasa Inggris, anda bisa memanfaatkan nyanyian bahasa Inggris, dengarkan dan bandingkan dengan lyriclagunya yang bisa diperoleh dari internet. Atau bisa juga dengan menonton film-film bahasa Inggris tanpa memperhatikan atau dengan menghilangkan teks bahasa Indonesianya.
·                  Latihan berbicara bahasa Inggris, baik secara langsung maupun secara mental. Belajar bahasa tanpa praktek memang akan susah. Carilah teman yang bisa anda ajak berlatih bercakap-cakap dalam bahasa Inggris. Anda juga bisa berbicara pada diri anda sendiri atau berpikir dengan menggunakan kalimat bahasa Inggris. Lebih baik lagi jika anda sekali-kali berusaha bercengkrama atau berkenalan dengan orang asing yang berbahasa Inggris sehingga anda bisa mempraktekkan apa yang telah dipelajari secara langsung.
·                  Jangan pernah menyerah karena memang belajar bahasa butuh waktu. Tak ada orang yang bisa langsung seketika mahir berbahasa Inggris. Butuh proses yang bisa memakan waktu bertahun-tahun untuk bisa ke tahap berkomunikasi memakai bahasa Inggris dengan baik. Maka mulailah dari sekarang sehingga lebih cepat anda akan bisa menguasai bahasa Inggris nantinya.
·                  Beranilah dan jangan malu ! Bahasa Inggris bukanlah bahasa asli anda. Orang lain (barat/bule) akan mengerti itu, akan paham, dan tak akan pernah mengejek anda jika salah berucap. Perlu anda ketahui banyak orang-orang yang tak bisa berbahasa Inggris dengan baik dan lancar tetap nekad pergi ke negara asing yang berbahasa Inggris, dan mereka nyaris sama sekali tak pernah diejek dengan kemampuan berbahasa yang pas-pasan. Malah pada akhirnya mereka dengan kesungguhan hati dan keberaniannya mampu berbahasa Inggris dengan fasih.


Do you feel nervous speaking English?

Are you shy when you have to speak English?

Do you lack confidence in speaking English?

Dear English learners,

Do you find it difficult to speak English? Are you wondering why you can read and write in English but have a hard time putting together a simple sentence?

Do you feel shy or scared to speak to other people in English? Does it take you a very long time to say a simple sentence in public?

Are you tired of studying English without seeing improvements in your speaking skills?

The most popular question I get is, "How can I speak English fluently?" or "I can read and write, but I cannot speak English. What do I need to do?"

My name is Feryy S. Wibowo and I am The English Learning Specialist. I have spent over 20 years helping English learners on English speaking. My goal is to give everyone the ability to speak English fluently!

A complete and efficient solution for English speaking

To become a fluent English speaker, you must study and master reading, listening, and speaking. At BEC Training Center, the lessons are structured to give you practice in all three areas at the same time.

BEC Training Center developed the "Conversation Materials" for its learners. In most of the lessons, you will find how to learn the functions of the language, and then you can practice speaking by repeating after the audio file provided by a native English speaker. This proven method strengthens your reading, speaking, and listening all at the same time and enables you to speak English fluently.

"Will this really work for me?"

BEC Training Center modeled language learning from natural language learning by everyone in the entire world. Instead of trying to teach you a second language, we are teaching you English like every child learned English in the world.

Even if you have Internet, you need to submerge yourself in English, and that will require you to listen and speak English every chance you get. With the BEC Training Center offline package, you will be able to study English anywhere you go, and without Internet connection.

Imagine how much time is lost waiting for the bus, sitting in the bus, waiting in line, walking to the store, eating lunch, or anything you do. Imagine if you can listen to conversational English and surround yourself in English at all times. If you can surround yourself in English, then you will be able to speak English fluently 10 times fast.

There are many reasons why people can't speak English. One of the main reason is because people do not study enough.  People do not study enough because they don't know what to study.  After studying for many years and not seeing results, it is frustrating!

What if you can study with learning materials that contain sentences that are actually used by native English speakers?  What if you can see immediate results using thousands of audio files?

When you are nervous, you lose confidence.  When you lose confidence, you become nervous.  When you are nervous and have no confidence, you will not speak English to other people.  When you don't speak English, you do not practice and you cannot improve.

The best way to overcome nervousness is to gain knowledge.  If you can do something, you will no longer be nervous and you will want to speak English to other people.  Isn't that what you want?

BEC Training Center solves this problem by providing hundreds of conversational dialogues with an interactive conversation tool to give you practice so you can gain confidence in speaking English!

Good Luck !

Ferry S. Wibowo

BEC Training Center is an English Training Center  with  focus to provide Individual, Group and  In-company English Language Training

We are very pleased to present you with a free one hour training on Corporate Training at your office.
BEC Training Center designs customized training programs based on your needs and specifications, such as General English, Business English, Conversation Program, Presentation Skills, Meeting Skills, Marketing etc. As Indonesia emerges into the global market we understand the need for training at an international level; to not only compete, but stay ahead of your competition. Our record speaks for itself, all of our clients have maintained long standing relationships with us based on the results they have accomplished from our training programs.

BEC Training Center   ensures the participants can communicate effectively and confidently with people around their environment - Achieve confidence in English business communications.
BEC Training Center understands your needs and the needs of the participants - As an institution we are the English business communications specialist in Jakarta and provide training to people in need
An Easy Way to English.......at BEC TRAINING CENTER.


Why It is Important to Learn English...

English is spoken as a first language by about 375 million, as a second language by as many people and as a foreign language by around 750 million. It has official or special status in at least 70 countries and is being learned by about a billion people. These numbers alone make English important to learn.

1. Major tourist destinations such as the United States, Great Britain and Australia all use English as a primary language. In addition, even non-speaking English countries often offer tourist services in English.

2. Much of the world's movies, music and books is in English. You can experience this media first-hand without an imperfect translation getting in the way.

3. Knowing the language facilitates your use of the World Wide Web because most of the world's stored information and web pages are in English.

4. When a Japanese manager, a Mexican manufacturer and French customer meet in an international location, they communicate in English, since that has become the world language for business.

5. English is the medium of communication in such fields as aviation and science. Jobs in these fields, unless highly localized, will be closed off to you if you don't speak English.


We Make You Speak English Fast !


How To Learn English!

Here are some tips which may help you to master the English Language!

Speak without Fear 
The biggest problem most people face in learning a new language is their own fear.  They worry that they won’t say things correctly or that they will look stupid so they don’t talk at all.  Don’t do this.  The fastest way to learn anything is to do it – again and again until you get it right.  Like anything, learning English requires practice.  Don’t let a little fear stop you from getting what you want.
Use all of your Resources 
Even if you study English at a language school it doesn’t mean you can’t learn outside of class.  Using as many different sources, methods and tools as possible, will allow you to learn faster.  There are many different ways you can improve your English, so don’t limit yourself to only one or two.  The internet is a fantastic resource for virtually anything, but for the language learner it's perfect.

Surround Yourself with English 
The absolute best way to learn English is to surround yourself with it.  Take notes in English, put English books around your room, listen to English language radio broadcasts, watch English news, movies and television.  Speak English with your friends whenever you can. The more English material that you have around you, the faster you will learn and the more likely it is that you will begin “thinking in English.” .

Listen to Native Speakers as Much as Possible 
There are some good English teachers that have had to learn English as a second language before they could teach it.  However, there are several  reasons why many of the best schools prefer to hire native English speakers. One of the reasons is that native speakers have a natural flow to their speech that students of English should try to imitate.  The closer BEC English Jakarta students can get to this rhythm or flow, the more convincing and comfortable they will become. 

Watch English Films and Television 
This is not only a fun way to learn but it is also very effective.  By watching English films (especially those with English subtitles) you can expand your vocabulary and hear the flow of speech from the actors.  If you listen to the news you can also hear different accents.

Listen to English Music 
Music can be a very effective method of learning English.  In fact, it is often used as a way of improving comprehension.  The best way to learn though, is to get the lyrics (words) to the songs you are listening to and try to read them as the artist sings.  There are several good internet sites where one can find the words for most songs. This way you can practice your listening and reading at the same time.  And if you like to sing, fine.

Study As Often As Possible!
Only by studying things like grammar and vocabulary and doing exercises, can you really improve your knowledge of any language. 

Do Exercises and Take Tests
Many people think that exercises and tests aren't much fun.  However, by completing exercises and taking tests you can really improve your English. One of the best reasons for doing lots of exercises and tests is that they give you a benchmark to compare your future results with.  Often, it is by comparing your score on a test you took yesterday with one you took a month or six months ago that you realize just how much you have learned.  If you never test yourself, you will never know how much you are progressing. Start now by doing some of the many exercises and tests on this site, and return in a few days to see what you've learned. Keep doing this and you really will make some progress with English.

Record Yourself
Nobody likes to hear their own voice on tape but like tests, it is good to compare your tapes from time to time.  You may be so impressed with the progress you are making that you may not mind the sound of your voice as much. 

Listen to English 
By this, we mean, speak on the phone or listen to radio broadcasts, audio books or CDs in English. This is different than watching the television or films because you can’t see the person that is speaking to you.  Many learners of English say that speaking on the phone is one of the most difficult things that they do and the only way to improve is to practice.

Have fun! And Contact BEC English Jakarta to have more information.


Five Shortcuts to Vocabulary 


In a hectic lifestyle, we take pleasure in shortcuts. We want to spend less time and learn more. Most people think that vocabulary building is time consuming. It was true a few decades ago, but now with technological advancements, you can accelerate your vocabulary building and cut down on your learning time.
  1. If you want to build your vocabulary quickly, an effective way to do this is with high quality vocabulary building software such as Ultimate Vocabulary. In as little as 10 minutes per day you can use this tool to help you improve your vocabulary.
  2. Get a new word in your inbox everyday. Dictionary.com has this facility. Once you sign up, you will be sent a new word in your inbox with its meaning, pronunciation, example sentences and origin. When you check your inbox, you will find a new word waiting for you there. This is the least time consuming method of vocabulary building. You don’t even have to spend time searching for a new word.
  3. Another interesting way to build vocabulary quickly is to use flash cards. Pick up a new word and write it down on a small card with its meaning. Just the word and the meaning will suffice. You don’t want to overdo it. Keep the card in your pocket. Peep at it whenever you get time. If you are a student, take care that you don’t take it to the examination hall. The teacher might not accept your explanation.
  4. Keep a pencil close at hand while reading. You can be reading a magazine, a comic, a novel or a newspaper. When you come across a word that you are unfamiliar with, circle it with the pencil and use a sticky colored page marker to bookmark the page. Later, when you have time, pick up a dictionary and look up the words you have marked. If you use a vocabulary building program such as Ultimate Vocabulary you will be able to add your own words to customisable word lists with the added benefit of testing yourself on those words. The software will provide you with learning tools such as flash cards and multiple choice tests.
  5. Play word games instead of video games. This site has lots of fun word games that you can play to build your vocabulary. Or, if your prefer “offline” games, why not get together with some friends for a game of scrabble. Finally, software such as Ultimate Vocabulary gives you interactive exercises specifically designed to build your vocabulary.
For children, building vocabulary is vital to their long term success. A structured vocabulary and language skills building program is important and provided by BEC TRAINING CENTER Jakarta.

General English

Business English

English Conversation Program

English for Special Purposes

TOEL Preparation



Why English Class is important ?

Whether you are taking an English Class in middle school, high school  or graduate school, you may wonder why English matters, particularly if you plan to study or work in a field in which you think English is irrelevant. Possibly the most important reason to take an English class is its relevance to virtually all fields and careers. Wherever speaking, writing or critical thinking is required, English class is useful.
Critical Thinking
1. Analyzing literature in English class challenges you to understand characters' motivations, cultural contexts, and the causes and effects of various actions in stories' plot lines. Learning to analyze literature effectively not only teaches you how to better enjoy books, music and film, but also how to better understand the causes and effects taking place in your family, neighborhood and the world around you. English teaches you to understand your world with nuance and conviction.
Close Reading
2. When teachers ask you to closely analyze a poem or section from a story in English class, the assignment usually asks you to read slowly and to look for metaphors, hear the sounds of the words and figure out as many possible meanings for the text as you can. Close reading teaches you to read between the lines, which is important for everyday tasks such as reading instructions, reading contracts, deciding which hotel to stay in or choosing a mortgage.
3. Most people learn to write well in English class. Learning to express yourself concisely, accurately and convincingly is not simply a box to check on an assessment test or a grading rubric; if you hope to write emails that earn respect, to enter any career in which communication is essential or simply to speak with authority, learning to write well is important.
4. Students learn about their own and other cultures not only through reading culturally relevant literature in English class, but also through discussion and writing exercises that draw on students' biases, feelings and previous knowledge about human cultures to help students rethink their assumptions. English class is important for helping you appreciate diversity, develop sensitivity and, perhaps most importantly, contribute to the future of culture through your writing and critical thinking.
Vocabulary and Grammar
5. Because English emphasizes reading and writing, your vocabulary and grasp of English grammar will improve if you take English class seriously. The more words you have at your fingertips, and the more comfortable you are using them accurately in sentences, the easier it will be for you to communicate with others. If you speak or hope to speak other languages, studying English vocabulary and grammar will often make learning other languages easier.



General English, English Conversation Program, English for Business Communication, TOEFL Preparation or tailored as client’s needs.

2 X a week :  @ 2 hours , the time and day is as requested by client and agreed by both parties.

With BEC English Jakarta, training participants will find learning fun, effective,and efficient. Learners will be involved in learning activities like pair and group works, role plays, discussions, simulations, as well as games.  An Easy Way to English where studying English becomes easier....

- Conversation approach
- Spoken English 80%
- Written English 20%

- Books
- Hands out & board marker
- Others related tools

Max 16 persons in a group of class


The training cost will cover the following items;

1.       Training cost / hour
                   IDR 400.000,- 

2.       Training materials are  provided as the needs.

3.       Transport IDR 100.000/visit for areas within Jakarta, Depok, Bekasi.


Max 16 Persons in one group/class (2X a week @ 2 hours)
 20 sessions or 40 hours learning time

-For additional participant will be charged   
-The Course Fee is excluded the hand books 

30%  in advance or sign the contract
70%  at the beginning of the program

Should you need further information please feel free to contact us at;
-0812 9807 1568
-0857 7019 1963

             with   Mr. Ferry Wibowo .....English Learning Specialist !

We will be very grateful to contribute to developing your Human Capital capacity.


 at BEC English Jakarta

learning English is a piece of cake (easy)

OUR  In-Company English Training Experiences